Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekend of Fun

I went to church yesterday and it was really great. About 150 people are in the branch and most of them are Indian. I met a few Americans that are here for a year or less and they were really nice. The Indian women are so beautiful. I can't believe how much more beautiful they are compared to American women. The clothing is so much more flattering and with great fabrics. The women were acting just like they do anywhere, making jokes to each other, telling each other to be quiet when they aren't even talking, Relief Society teachers "strongly encouraging" the women to do their visiting teaching, etc. No matter where you go in this world, Visiting Teaching is the burden!There are a bunch of missionaries, 4 Elders and 2 sets of senior couples. They were all really nice and welcoming. I like being in a ward where they are used to new people coming and they treat them really well. This one Indian woman came and sat by me, even though she doens't speak English, I felt taken care of and loved. It was a really nice feeling. Today I met Anna, a woman in the office that is also LDS. She had been traveling with her boyfriend over the weekend (who she met online and is in the peace corp in Africa and who proposed 3 weeks ago!) and she made me feel really welcomed. She told me that she hasn't had one night of crying herself to sleep because of all of the love that she feels from the members of the branch. She told me that she is "so happy" that I am here. Truth be told, I had to hold back from tearing up a little bit when she said that. I think things are going to be good here. I bet by the time I leave, I'll wish that I could stay forever. Here's to hoping.


Unknown said...

That's so great, Rach. I'm glad to hear you're being taken care of.

Dani said...

Rach, that is so, so, soooo awesome. I'm so happy about that. As for "the burden," maybe when our VT's say, "Is there anything I can do for you," we should say, "Yeah, can you do my VTing?" I think I might try it...