Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So the biggest challenge so far in Europe (besides not being able to find a taxi last night a midnight and having to roam the streets of Athens searching for a hotel we had no idea where it was located) is trying to figure out the showers. The first has a curtain that goes around the whole bathroom. How is that supposed to keep the water from going everywhere? The 2nd has no curtain whatsoever, but the low water pressure prevented water from spilling everywhere and almost didn't even come out. Finally this morning we were delighted to find a shower that actually had a DOOR! only to discover a few minutes later that there was only a hand held water spout and no hook on the wall. It makes sense to me why Europeans don't wash their hair very much -- it's too hard to do it one handed. I did think about sitting down on the tile and washing my hair under the faucet as I did as a child, but that was just a passing thought. We'll see what kind of showering options Italy has to offer tomorrow!

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