Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My new adventure

My new adventure involves no sugar until June 9th. Why June 9th? Because I'm not allowed to talk to Thomas (my rule) until then, so it gives me a random date in the future to work toward. It's 5 weeks away. The real goal is to just get off sugar. I think I eat more when I eat sugar because I constantly have cravings. I know it'll be hard the first couple of days, but I'm determined to stick with it and make a dent in my goals to get in better shape this summer.

I also found a dress that I think I want to wear for Kristin and Steve's wedding in August...but I cannot reveal that information at the moment. It was absolutely gorgeous and fit perfectly, but...I'll probably wait a while...I actually told Kristin that any of us who come to the wedding might just come all dressed the same so that people think she made us her bridesmaids. She said she thought that would be hilarious. But I doubt that anyone else will want to do that with me, so I may just have to look absolutely fabulous on my own.

All right, I'll keep you all posted on the no sugar adventure.


Heather said...

Danielli, you can totally do the no-sugar thing. Remember when you were raw for some insane amount of time? More power to ya.

RC said...

I don't eat sugar either. Does the mango smoothie I had for lunch count?

Unknown said...

Go Danielle! That's great. You can totally do it. You were looking so great when we left, btw. Hot hot hot!