Friday, May 16, 2008

Remembering old things

As I was flying from Greece to Italy I was flooded with memories. Peoples faces that I had taught a discussion to while in Italy, fields I had walked through, doors I had knocked on, gelaterias I had ate at, companions I had laughed with, members who had fed me, conversations I had with passers by. All of these memories and experiences that I didn't even know I had, and certainly haven't thought about in quite a long time. I love Italy. Coming back here was like coming home, especially coming to Pisa where I spent 9 months of my mission. (For those of you that have read Eat, Pray, Love my pattern in living seems to be P,P,P (Palo Alto, Pisa, Provo. Where next? Prague? Paris? Phoenix?) We've been staying with one of the members that I loved so much here in Pisa, which has been wonderful and we have been remembering old times together.

We went up to Genova to visit one of my Italian companions who doesn't speak any English, so I had to remember how to speak Italian. It was good practice. I felt bad for Maren, because I'm sure she was bored....

I had a wonderful birthday yesterday. I can't believe how old I am getting. We spent most of the day in Florence, another city that I love, even though I never served there. I decided that I would return to eating chocolate for 1 day. So of course that included 2 chocolate gelatos, some chocolate cookies and a chocolate bar, so I think I've had enough chocolate to last me the rest of the year. We got back and met up with Maria Elisa (my friend we are staying with) and had a fun dinner and gelato. The best part of the day was walking through the streets of Pisa eating our gelato and out of no where popped up the leaning tower of Pisa. I can't express how much I love this tower, so it really was a perfect end to a wonderful birthday.


RC said...

Please be reminded that you are the youngest of the bunch.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And yay for chocolate! :)