So I left my other memory card at home, so I dno't have the pics I want to upload, but I'll just share my stories anyway.
Saturday, we decided to go to Kakum National Park to do the canopy walk around the rainforest. When we went to catch a cab in the morning, we might have caused a street brawl. Oops. We didn't know the protocol of "first come, first serve" with taxi drivers. Two drivers were arguing about whose car we should get in, and I got bugged, so I took my group across the street to get in another car. Bad move. The driver of the car we were apparently supposed to ride in came over, and using force, kept the girls from getting in the car (I was already in). The two drivers got into it, and next thing we knew, they were throwing punches. We were escorted to another car by another driver, and watched the scene unfold. Two mins later, they were finally broken up. There was a lot of blood, and a lot of commotion. Yikes. We had a great time at the canopy walk and then went on to El Mina slave castle.
The castle is a sad experience. Hard to believe that people treated eachother so poorly. We ate there. I thought I'd be safe and order beans and fried plantain. They brought the beans and plantain out with a huge fried fish...head, eyeball, teeth, and all. I didn't eat much of any of it, but we got some good laughs.
Last night, I went down to the beach for a while, saw the sunset, and watched the waves. Pretty dang awesome. :)
Today was stake conference. Elder Nelson came to speak. There was a change in the stake presidency, so the meeting was full of testimonies. I loved it. Brother Johnson (one of the first members of the LDS church in Ghana) met with us afterward for almost 2 hours and shared his testimony/experience. Again, so awesome. Frank came with me to church today, and he wanted to say hi to the new stake pres (a friend of his) so we hung around after everyone left. He met with the mission president, then next thing we knew, Elder Nelson came up and shook our hands. He was very kind.
Friday at the orphanage was so fun. I was able to buy a bunch of medicine that they've needed, and I took it over to deliver. They were really grateful. I hung around and played with the kids. Seriously, my favorite thing to do. They're just sooo sweet.
I'm really enjoying my trip here, on many accounts. The girls in my group are awesome, and it's just been a ton of fun. I don't love being hot and sweaty all the time with constant horrible hair, but the people are just awesome. You wouldn't even believe how poor they are, but they're just so kind, happy, and Christ-like. Great examples to me.
Why are you so gorgeous?!!
That post definitely made me smile :)
your hair is beautiful!
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