Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The End of an Era

I wanted to echo what Laura said...this has been the best two years of my life. I'm glad that I didn't serve a mission or I'd really have a conflict on my hand of which experience was truly the "best two years." But since this is all I've got, these have been the best two years for so many reasons. :) The biggest is probably getting a prescription for a controlled substance. The second biggest is the friends I've made...oh, all right, you talked me into it. Friends supersede controlled substances.

It hasn't hit me yet that this experience is over--probably because I'm still hanging out with three of my besties this week. We talked about it at dinner tonight--how it still hasn't hit us. I know my goodbyes this weekend felt like "See ya laters," because I'm still in some sort of dreamworld state of denial. It's going to be very strange in 2 1/2 weeks when I find myself sitting at my desk taking HP conference calls, knowing that my MBA ladies are scattered around the world.

Thank you to each one of you for everything--for the support you've been to me, for being the reality check I've so often needed, for seeing the divinity in me when sometimes I couldn't, for getting my rear through finance, for sharing your tasty treats, for mutually admiring me, for hating every boy I've ever broken up with, for giving me the clothes you're now too good for, for helping me get out of my comfort zone, for reminding me to go to the temple and going with me...really, just thank you for being my friends and confidantes during the most influential two years of my life. I love all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you too, Danielle. I'm still in denial, and will be for a long time. Good thing I have Africa to distract me, but it'll hit not too long after that. xoxo